Saturday, 23 February 2019

Etiological consideration of vata vyadhi


                                                           Professor, Roganidana Department
                                                                     B.V.D.U, College of Ayurved,
                                                                          Pune- 43 (Maharashtra)

Vata vyadhi are the important diseases of the body. As they take place in the Madhyama marga, these diseases are incurable for treatment. Vata vyadhi are described elaboratively in different samhita grantha.
 Vatavyadhi are said to be critical because Vata being the most powerful in all Dosha, having the capacity to manifest acute diseases, nature of diseases are severe, these diseases are difficult for management and needs Ayurvedic treatment.
 The etio-pathogenesis & clinical features of    vata vyadhi are  described precisely in each text.
Etiological factors of vata vyadhi are of different types. Today hetu described in ancient era has been changed; these hetu can be compared with the hetu of modern era.
Due to continuous consumption of hetu, Vata gets vitiated & aggravated to form different types of disease.     
According to hetu & sthana i.e. involved site of lesion it produces various types of diseases.
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The vata gets vitiated by two  different causes i.e. 

1)                By the depletion of Dhatu (Dhatukshayajanya vata prakopa).
2)                By the occlusion of channels (Margavarodha janya vata prakopa.)
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Therefore the hetu of vata vyadhi can be grouped in two ways for study purpose.
 Consumption of Ruksha i.e. dry or non fatty food items like pulses, air tight food, bakery products, bhel, junk food  etc.
 Shita i.e. cold water, cold-drinks, chilled food items etc.
  Laghu aahar i.e. light or low calorie diet of insufficient quantities.
Ati Vyavaya i.e. excessive sexual activities.
   Ati Jagarana i.e. awaking at night for a long period
Improper therapeutic procedure i.e.adminstration of therapies  which causes  excessive elimination of  Dosha and Rakta.
   Langhana i.e. fasting.
  Plawana i.e. swimming,
    Ati chankramana i.e. excessive walking
    Ati Vyayam i.e. excessive physical exercise
 Excessive riding on a horse, an elephant, a camel, or else fall from them.
In present times, excessive riding on bike, excessive traveling related to work.
Depletion of tissues (Dhatu)
Excessive emaciation due to Chinta i.e. worries. Presently due to fast life and global comepetition the evidence of  mental and physical stress & strain has been increased..
 Shoka i.e. grievances,
 Affliction of diseases
 Abhighat i.e. trauma or due accidents various types of vatavyadhi get manifested.
Vega awarodha i.e. suppression of natural urges
Due to obstruction of Ama
Marma badha i.e. injury to vital part like head injury.
As we come across these hetu described or classified in ancient texts as above, we find difficulty to define particular hetu dravya. So we can elaborate these hetu  more according to type of dravya as below-
These hetu can be further classified in following ways
Ø Aharaj hetu:
 Ruksha i.e.dry or non fatty food items like pulses, air tight food,    
 Bakery products, Bhel, Junk food etc.
 Shita i.e. cold water cold-drinks, chilled food items etc.
 Laghu  ahara i.e. light or low calorie diet of insufficient quantities.
 Langhana i.e. fasting.
 Ama producing diet i.e. Agnimandyakar  ahara
Ø Viharaj hetu :
  Ati Vyavaya i.e. excessive intercourse
   Ati Jagarana i.e. awaking at night for a long period
   Plawana i.e. swimming,
   Ati chankramana i.e. excessive walking
   Ati Vyayam i.e. excessive physical exercise
              Excessive riding on an elephant, or camel, or horse or else fall from them.
Ø Ashuddha chikitsa:
Visham upachar i.e. inappropriate administration of Panchakarma & other therapeutic measures.
Dosha sravan and Rakta sravan i.e. excessive loss of Dosha, & blood.
           Rogati karshanat i.e. marked emaciation of the body due to  chronic diseases.
Ø Manas hetu:
Chinta i.e.  Excessive worry or stress
 Shoka i.e. grievances.
Ø Agantu hetu:
Abhighat i.e. trauma  
Marma badha i.e. injury to vital part like head injury.
Due to above said hetu sevan there will be either dhatu kshaya or margavarodha in the strotas which results in vitiation of vata
This vitiated vata dosha afflicting the patent channel of the body, gives rise to various generalized diseases or to those localized parts of the body.
From above discussion, we can conclude that Vata dushti hetu should be classified according to their etiogenic role, not by pathogenic role i.e. dhatukshayakara or margavarodhkara action. It will help us to define origin of disease .So that Nidanaparivarjana can be suggested more specifically and proper line of treatment can be given as per the causative factor.